News list

Form 3 turned back the clock to 1536 and lived a day in the life of Tudor times in the reign of King Henry VIII.
With this year’s performance of The Tempest, the Young Shakespeare Company yet again provided a wonderful opportunity for the children to experience Shakespeare through direct involvement in one of his plays. The work was performed by a cast of dynamic, classically-trained actors, with a passion for performing Shakespeare for younger audiences. This magical comedy was brought vividly to life around and amongst the children. The company specializes in including the whole audience to create such dramatic scenes as the storm on Prospero’s island and the dramatic confrontation
The stage could not have been set more perfectly for this year’s PA Fireworks night which took place on Thursday 3 November.  The day was crisp and cold but, as evening approached, the temperature rose and it turned into a warm and dry evening for the display. 
Over £1,200 was raised at the recent Â鶹ÊÓƵֱ²¥ Parents' Association Macmillan Coffee Morning.  The coffee morning took place in the wonderful surroundings of the College Master's Lodge, the private home of the Master and his wife.  Over 100 parents took part and enjoyed home-baked cakes as well as the chance to win two donated bottles of champagne in a raffle.
18th October 2016 was St John’s whole school ‘Refugee Day’; a programme of events organised to raise awareness of the plight of refugees and to generate commitment to practical action. The ‘Refugee Day’ saw a full day planned with workshops and visiting speakers including authors, poets, charity representatives and musicians, some of whom were refugees themselves.
Form 2 enjoyed a fun day getting to know each other on the St John’s playing fields at the end of their first week of term. The children were involved in a variety of team building activities and had to utilise their communication skills to work effectively as a team.
After a long summer break a group of Form 5 and 6 children were ready to hone their rugby and hockey skills with a mini tour to Edinburgh. The group of girls and boys had an initial training session at school before taking the train to Edinburgh to play against Loretto School, situated on the outskirts of the city, as well as Peebles High School.
Third Form gave us their wonderful rendition of Rats!, making their debut on the Hinsley Hall stage. A funky interpretation of a tradionational tale, Rats! retells the classic story of the Pied Piper of Hamelin with music and dancing.
St John’s College Choir’s latest tour saw the Choristers embark upon a fifteen day trip across America, performing in concerts in six cities. The Choir received numerous standing ovations and praise for each concert. The Choristers also had the chance to sightsee with trips to the Santa Cruz Boardwalk theme park, a Science Museum and seal watching and boat trips around the San Francisco Golden Gate harbour, amongst many other excursions.
This year’s House Debating competition was awaited with great eagerness by all of the Sixth Form, amongst whom competition was fierce to earn the honour of representing their house.