Form 3 Tudor Day


Form 3 turned back the clock to 1536 and lived a day in the life of Tudor times in the reign of King Henry VIII. The life and times of this period, including the worry of being caught up in a plot or being treated by the best in medical expertise at the time (i.e. being given very bad medicine and being given a hole in the head!) was brought to life for Form 3 with a ‘History Off the Page’ Tudor Workshop.

In the morning Form 3 became members of King Henry VIII’s household, performing a variety of everyday 16th century tasks. They had fun being ‘Scholars’ mixing inks together to use with their quills as well as ‘Leather workers’ and ‘Embroiderers’ as they learned about the Tudor technique for sewing embroidered handkerchiefs. The children also used herbs and spices in the Apothecary, preparing potions and medicines designed to cure the illnesses that were rife during this period of our history. They also had the chance to make soap balls and pomanders, be ‘Chandlers’ and make their own candles with beeswax and create miniature paintings in the style of Nicholas Hilliard and Isaac Oliver.

As the children were busy working, rumours abounded about Anne Boleyn who had fallen out of favour with the King, as well as possible heirs and a potential new love interest for the King. In the afternoon, Form 3 were treated to a Tudor banquet; being split into ‘servant’ and ‘royalty’ sections gave them a taste of the economic divide between the classes at this time, but all enjoyed sampling tasty Tudor-themed food and delicacies.

Head of History, Mr Steve Harding explained, “All the children had a splendid time and went home merry, as did the Masters and Mistresses. A good time was had by all.â€