Term Dates


  Michaelmas Lent Summer
Term begins Thu 05 Sep 2024 Thu 09 Jan 2025 Wed 23 Apr 2025
Half term begins* Fri 25 Oct 2024 Fri 14 Feb 2025 Fri 23 May 2025
Term resumes Mon 4 Nov 2024 Mon 24 Feb 2025 Mon 02 Jun 2025
Term ends* Fri 13 Dec 2024 Fri 28 Mar 2025 Wed 09 Jul 2025


  Michaelmas Lent Summer
Term begins Thu 04 Sep 2025 Wed 07 Jan 2026 Wed 22 Apr 2026
Half term begins* Fri 24 Oct 2025 Fri 13 Feb 2026 Fri 22 May 2026
Term resumes Mon 03 Nov 2025 Mon 23 Feb 2026 Mon 01 Jun 2026
Term ends* Fri 12 Dec 2025 Fri 27 Mar 2026 Wed 08 Jul 2026

* Please note that half term breaks start at the end of the normal school day on the Fridays listed above and that Term ends at lunchtime on the last day of term.

Photograph courtesy of former pupil, Chloe Curtis-Smith, submitted as part of her Year 8 national Arts Award portfolio.