SJCS Supports Comic Relief Charity 2021


Red Nose Day organisers stated, ‘This year it never felt more important to have some fun and raise money to support people living incredibly tough lives. We need the power of funny to turn laughs into lasting change’ and children and staff at St John’s certainly rose to the challenge of hanging their best jokes on our 'laughing trees' in the Piazza and Forest Garden for all to enjoy. Coming to school with ‘hot hair’ also created a real buzz of excitement. The money raised currently stands at £578 for . 

Comic Relief's fundraising campaign is held annually to raise money for organisations supporting families in need both here in the UK and abroad. The charity's mission is a vision of a world, free from poverty and to drive positive change through the power of entertainment. In 2021, the areas specifically targeted for support are tackling mental health stigma, domestic abuse and giving children a brighter future. This year £52,025,485 was raised for the charity.

Children across St John’s were encouraged to write their best joke on a card and to hang it from one of the ‘Laughing Trees’ in school. This proved incredibly popular during each break time throughout the day with lots of fun and laughter as the jokes were read and shared with friends. ‘Hot Hair’ was taken literally by some creative children with flames, bonfires and real roasted marshmallows! One Form 5 child explained, ‘It was something really fun to look forward to and chat about after such an unusual term and it felt like we all bonded as a community to have a great day and raise money for a worthy charity at the same time.’

To donate please visit our page.