Christmas Artwork 2021


Children throughout St John’s have worked hard to produce individual Christmas card designs during their lessons as part of our annual Festive art project. Any profits from the cards go to the Parents’ Association’s chosen charity  which is a Special school in the centre of Cambridge which caters for pupils with a range of learning needs from aged 2-19 years.

Castle School is an all-area Special school based in Cambridge with provision for 200 students up to 19 years of age. Each of the students has an Education Health and Care Plan. The school provides for an extensive range of pupils’ needs with an inclusive, child-centred, community-spirited ethos and offers a bespoke educational experience for each child. One T2 child said, "I loved making my card as it was special only to me and I knew that my family would really love a design that they could share at Christmas time." Another Form 2 child remarked, "I know that some of the money raised as profits goes to help other children in Cambridge and that makes me very happy. I loved how detailed our eastern card designs were."