St John's Raises £378.70 for Comic Relief on Red Nose Day 2019


St John’s children and their families recently celebrated Red Nose Day to raise money and awareness for . The budding philanthropists rolled up their sleeves to bake to contribute to a cake sale. Byron House children also paid a suggested donation of £1 to come to school with ‘wacky hair’ for the day and, across both sites, St John’s raised £378.70 for the charity.

This year, £63,938,072 was raised for Comic Relief and, since its launch in 1988, it is the day when people across the UK can get together and raise money at home, school and work. “When you donate to Comic Relief you’re supporting vulnerable people and communities in the UK and internationally. Our vision is to create a just world free from poverty and we’re doing this by funding amazing organisations doing amazing things.” ()

Byron House children had the chance to let their hair down and come to school sporting ‘wacky’ hairstyles, all in aid of charity. Every classroom was full of hair in vibrant colours, hair made into cupcakes and hair filled with sharks and even a flowing Cola bottle! One child said, “I was sitting next to my friend in lessons who had three different glittery colours in his hair and all gelled up! Everyone looked so colourful and had tried so hard and all for a great cause too.” At Senior House there was much excitement leading up to morning break and, as one Form 3 explained, “The bell went and we all rushed to the Piazza to see what treats we could buy for Comic Relief. I think all the cakes sold really quickly!”