St John's Colts enjoy 'Curtain Raiser' at Rugby School - Michaelmas 2023


St John’s joined fellow schools to play in bicentenary celebration rugby matches at the birthplace of the sport - . Two hundred years ago, in 1823, William Webb Ellis took the ball in his arms and ran with it on The Close at Rugby School; the game known as football subsequently became named rugby football and is now known globally as rugby. 

The St John’s U11A rugby team was invited to join in a bicentenary celebration rugby match against  U11A. 

“The boys maintained a positive attitude throughout the day and were determined to utilise the skills we had practised in lessons with their match against Winchester House (which they won 6-4). They can be proud of the way they supported each other on and off the rugby pitch and how they showed a persevering mindset.” (Head of Rugby, Mr Steve Glitherow)

After their win our St John’s boys were given a tour around Rugby School and were able to pick up game tips for the rest of the season by watching the other matches.