Parents' Association Evensong 2017


A record number of guests registered for tickets for this year’s free Parents’ Association Evensong, held again in St John’s College Chapel and sung by the internationally renowned College choir, featuring choristers from the school.  Attendance at this annual event is always high, though this year it was perhaps buoyed by the buzz following the recent success of the College Choir in the , with their latest recording of music by St John’s College alumnus, Jonathan Harvey, winning the choral award.

The music chosen for the service was specially selected to appeal to a younger age group and the service was arranged to actively welcome members of the family of all ages.  As ever, the service was hauntingly beautiful, with all participants privileged to enjoy the wonderful singing in the glorious surroundings of the College Chapel.

After the service, by kind invitation of the Master and his wife, Professor Christopher and Dr Mary Dobson, guests gathered in the Master’s Lodge Gardens, taking advantage of the evening sun on what was one of the first bright and warm evenings at the start of May.  Adults enjoyed the first Pimms of the year and admired the beauty of the garden whilst the children joyfully ran around and let off some steam.

PA Chair, Caroline Chilvers, was thrilled with the success of the evening and thanked “all who attended this magical evening and all who planned, served, and cleared up afterwards”.